
Great Earth Day books

Great Earth Day books

Check out this wonderful list of inspiring books that the Washington Post solicited in celebration of Earth Day. Such a great collection of titles that celebrate, spotlight and call attention to the beauty of this green world as well as the costs...

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Rainscapes is open!

Rainscapes is open!

If you live in (most of) Montgomery County MD and own a home, you’ve got access to a tremendous program for managing stormwater and creating native plant habitats. Rainscapes is managed by Montgomery County’s Department of...

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More Native Plants please!

More Native Plants please!

Thanks to Chris Woody for an excellent article in Sunday’s Washington Post that lays out the case for increasing the native plantings in our garden. Some of the highlights of the article include: The key role native plants play in...

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Pesticides are bad. Who knew???

Pesticides are bad. Who knew???

Pesticides are bad. Who knew??? We’ve all heard about the harm pesticides are causing our honeybees. “Save the Pollinators!” campaigns are making great strides in raising awareness of the declining populations of bees and winged pollinators vital...

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Sustainable Landscaping 101

Sustainable Landscaping 101

In recent posts, we’ve been talking about both the ecological dangers of habitat loss and how what you do in your garden can make a difference. Thanks to the Town of Chevy Chase for inviting our own Edamarie Mattei to give a presentation on...

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Spring is here!

Spring is here!

What is spring to you? The warming sun? The buzzing bees? The lengthening day? As expected as these delights may be, they never cease to amaze. Nature is a finely-tuned cycle of rebirth and renewal, and the thawing soils, the rising sap, and the...

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