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Backyard Bounty wins Maryland Sustainability Leadership Award!

Backyard Bounty is thrilled to be the recipient of a 2024 Maryland Green Registry Sustainability Leadership award! Maryland Department of the Environment Secretary Serena McIlwain recognized Backyard Bounty for multiple innovative practices including installation of over 300 stormwater native plant gardens that each year prevent 22 millions of gallons of polluted stormwater from flowing into the Potomac River. […]

Great Earth Day books

Check out this wonderful list of inspiring books that the Washington Post solicited in celebration of Earth Day. Such a great collection of titles that celebrate, spotlight and call attention to the beauty of this green world as well as the costs of its misuse. Among the titles, you might recognize text from Braiding Sweetgrass from one […]

Rainscapes is open!

If you live in (most of) Montgomery County MD and own a home, you’ve got access to a tremendous program for managing stormwater and creating native plant habitats. Rainscapes is managed by Montgomery County’s Department of Environmental Program and provides expertise and financial support for the creation of rain gardens, conservation landscapes, permeable driveways and other […]

Thanksgiving thoughts from Wendell Berry

We learn from our gardens to deal with the most urgent question of the time: How much is enough? – Wendell Berry Thanksgiving moves rapidly from gratitude to gluttony – I pull the last of the pie out for one more breakfast treat, but the dogs start barking as the sun comes up and I move […]

We know the WHY. Now we learn the HOW from the Post.

(Sergio Peçanha/Illustration for The Washington Post) Recently, we learned the Why about replacing some of our lawn space with native plantings in a piece by Dan Zak of the Washington Post that featured our own Edamarie Mattei. Now we get the How. Sergio Pecanha has provided an excellent overview of simple steps you can take in your own yard to make a significant […]

Shrink your lawn. Save the planet.

  Many thanks to Dan Zak of the Washington Post for the beautifully-written article about Americans’ changing attitudes toward their lawns. Even better, it features our own Edamarie Mattei sharing her thoughts about both her family’s relationship with lawns over time and her views on turf’s changing role in American culture. From the article: “For ‘setting […]