
What should we infer?

Prior to the 1930’s (pre- pesticides), US Agriculture lost 13% of crops to insects and disease. Currently, we lose 17% of our agricultural crops to pests and disease. Are these chemicals solving problems or creating new ones? Thanks to Chip...

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Skip the fertilizer

You can grow healthy plants without fertilizer. NOFA’s standards for soil offer a helpful description of the process and rationale: NOFA Soil Standards There are two approaches to matching soils and plants: 1. We can maximize the diversity...

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Balancing on a see saw

This garden around my house is both part of a natural system and an interruption of it. Take nature’s system of feeding the soil with fallen leaves- a perfect cycle that we interrupt every fall when we blow all those leaves into the street to...

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Easy Flower Arranging

Took me way to many years to realize that the secret to arranging flowers when you have minimal skill is to get short vases and pick a bunch of leaves- Coleus, ferns, Japanese Forest Grass, Liriope and Coral Bell flowers.

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Fresh Figs

Ahh…figs just off the tree before the rain knocks them down on the deck… Besides fresh, anyone got a favorite recipe? Thinking a little blue cheese, maybe some walnuts and honey…

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Time for Fall Crops!

Time to think fall crops. Weather has finally cooled down a bit and we are thinking of lettuces and greens and beets and carrots (which always do better for me in the fall). Given the successful overwintering of broccoli last year, maybe even...

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