Monthly Archives: April 2010

Even husbands need gardens…

As the original customer and primary beneficiary of Backyard Bounty’s services, I can attest to the difference it makes in your life.    Having come home from a long trip last night, I was greeted with a truly splendid sight that was both...

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Seeds Take Faith

Seeds take a lot of faith. Really. I built my bed. I amended the dirt. I watered and amended some more. And then I planted seeds in neat little square foot sections, marked by popsicle sticks. “Carrots, scarlet nantes, half-long”...

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Say it with figs

Starting a business, I’ve gotten lots of support, advice, and help from friends.   And like any good Italian, I tend to show love through food.  March and early April are tough months to find local fruit, and so now is the time that we are...

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