To help the environment, we need to think differently about our gardens.

Photo credit: Regis Lefebure
Looking at the environmental news, it’s easy to get distressed at the loss of habitat, decline in pollinators, invasive species, and watershed degradation.
But there are many things we can do to make a real impact and most start in our own yards. With the privilege of home ownership comes the responsibility to be a good steward of our land.
Bethesda Magazine just published an article with a wealth of resources you can use in your own yard to make a tangible and short-term impact on the environment. A panel of experts, including our own Edamarie, provided ideas on steps you can take at home including:
- Incorporate more native plants into your landscape
- Install stormwater-friendly gardens
- Create habitat for pollinators and wildlife
- Start a beehive
- Eliminate the use of pesticides and synthetic chemicals
- Make better use of compost, fallen leaves, and other natural nutrient sources
- And plant an oak tree in your yard!
If we do our job, Mother Nature can do hers.
In addition to nourishing our plants and aquifers, the recent rains have allowed us to catch up on some overdue “inside work”. We have launched our new website. Check it out!