Monthly Archives: April 2013


Below are comments I shared at a press conference held today in a garden we designed and installed in Garrett Park to announce the launch of Montgomery County’s Green Landscaper Program: About a year and a half ago, I looked at Backyard...

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Reason to Believe

Thinking about the bombings in Boston and fertilizer plant explosions as I drove between projects in Bethesda and Garrett Park, the play list was all Bruce Springsteen. Easy to feel like the speaker in ‘Reason to Believe’ sometimes...

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The Favas are Coming!

We’ll be picking them in May- peeling first the outer shell, then the white membrane around each individual bean. Worth it? Yes. Parboil the bean with membrane for a few seconds and it will pop off. Saute the fresh favas in olive oil with...

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So far, the only 2 in the whole patch…At a client’s last week where they were all coming up, some over 2′ high, in a bed that is less than a year old. Fingers crossed, the rest aren’t gone.

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The gift of an artisan

When Lucas and I go to pick out boulders at the quarry, it’s a bit like walking into a candy store with a 5 year old. He looks at every stone as if it is a person, and when he finds a stone he loves, he’ll pick it, even if it means he...

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Goodbye, Mahonia…

One of my favorite plants is on the Maryland Invasive Plant list: Mahonia bealei, aka ‘Leatherleaf Mahonia’ or ‘False Holly’ or ‘Oregon Grape Holly’ When I go to a client’s garden and see a Burning Bush...

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